--I bought my first suit on Friday. It's in the tailor's hands as we speak. What is it about a suit that makes me feel more like a man?
--Finished off A Long Way Down on Friday as well. Thoroughly enjoyed it. An entertaining, breezy read. Now I feel like going on a book binge. I'm thinking about either The History of Love or Revolutionary Road as the main focus but there's all these short story and non-fiction options that are calling to me as side-reads. I must exercise discipline.
--There really is something to be said for spending time alone. We often focus on spending "quality time" with parents or friends, but I feel like time by ourselves is not often given that same attention. I had a couple day/nights last week where I was out and about all by my lonesome and, no offense to friends or lovah, but I couldn't have been happier. I had typed out a big, long paragraph about this but then I realized the value of personal alone time becomes somewhat ironic and maybe even cheapened if you have to blab about it to everybody.
--I don't like being around guys that are much taller/bigger-framed than me. I've been more aware of it lately, that walking behind some 6'5" guy who's not only tall but just a huge-framed guy makes me feel small and frail. Is this what it's like for short people every day of their lives? Man, that's suffering.
That's why I always try to walk in front of you. I'm telling The Doug to cancel your gym membership till I can somewhat catch up. Jerk.
Imagine the prejudice us tall guys face. People look up at us like we're some kind of monster.
You don't count for some reason. You might be 6'6" or whatever you are, but I feel like you're about 5'10".
The next time you underestimate me will be your last.
HISTORY OF LOVE!!!!!!!! It's one of my favorites!
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