--A campground shower...outdoor showers as a whole are pretty unbeatable, but a campground shower tops em all.
--A new pair of socks fresh out of the package...If I were ridiculously rich, this is where my requisite frivolous spending might come into play. I think if I had the bankroll, I might have a brand new pair of socks for every day.
--Peanut butter toast.
--A tall glass of milk to follow.
--A scooner of Pabst and a special at Joe Jost's
--On a similar note...Being on vacation and having a pint in the middle of the day.
--Going to Costco with your mom (or grandmother), getting a hot dog on the way out.
--Taking a 2-hour nap. This one sounds especially sweet today.
--Playing football in the rain.
--Unexpectedly finding one of those CDs you just can't take out of the player for a month.
--SkyMall Magazine.
--Drive-in movies.
--Breakfast for dinner.
--"Slip Slidin' Away" by Paul Simon.
--"Carolina in My Mind (live version)" By James Taylor.
--"Into the Mystic" by Van Morrison.
--"Lord, I Hope This Day is Good" by Don Williams.
--"Drift Away" by Dobie Fuckin Gray, not that bullshit hack version by Uncle Cracker.
--"The Gambler" by Kenny Rogers.
--Coming off the jetway to find someone waiting for you...Even though it's pretty much impossible these days given the new rules allowing only ticketed passengers to the gates.
--White cake, white frosting, rainbow sprinkled donuts.
--A big, juicy, extra-large Fuji apple (I have one of these in my lunch today).
--Road Trips!
--Killing time making lists such as this.
(To be continued)
Not a bad start although I'd have to add "burnt" to the peanut butter toast and I'd say sharing a movie with the dead ranks right up there with a drive-in.
Burnt toast is for the birds!
...and TWINS
I found your "List of Things to do at Dick's Hallmark When You're Bored on a Sunday" a few months ago. I was dying laughing. This reminded me of it.
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