Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Things A Man Might Scribble On a Cocktail Napkin While Sitting Alone at a Bar On a Saturday Night Having Many Beers While Waiting For a Concert

A man at a bar
Saturday Night
People conversing all around
He has a power
He sees everyone in detail
The two ladies huddled giggling around an iphone
No one sees him
Times like this
I'm glad I have my beard
A man's best friend
Can be his beard.

**By comparison, the legend goes that Aaron Sorkin wrote "A Few Good Men" on cocktail napkins. Aaron Sorkin I am not.


Conrad said...

Would have been sweet if you were wearing your captain's hat...

Conrad said...

Next time you get to a place like that, and no one goes with you, give me a call, I'll fly with you.

j.h.k. said...

You would have enjoyed it.

AJ said...

Not a legend--he really did. He was a bartender at a fancy movie theater alongsde Peter Krause and Camryn Manheim. And he jotted out the basic plot and some key lines on cocktail napkins between customers.