Lakers vs. Magic. For the NBA Title. Kobe Bryant playing for his legacy. The Lakers playing for redemption. The Magic playing for respect. But it's so much more than that...there's steak on the line.
The Bet: The Lakers vs. The Eastern Conference Field
The Setting: 2009 NBA Finals, Best of 7 starting tonight in Los Angeles
The Setting: 2009 NBA Finals, Best of 7 starting tonight in Los Angeles
The Stakes: Steaks. Loser treats the winner to a steak dinner at the venue of his choosing.
Bill Brasky got the better of me last year when his beloved Celtics crushed my Lakers. I can't eat crowe two years in a row. This year, I eat steak. If I have to go Jeff Gillooly on somebody to win this thing, I am prepared to do it.
Let's Go Lakers! I implore you, don't let me down.
P.S. New, low-degree pet peeve: people that say "pitchers" instead of "pictures."
Also....For the second time this week I have encountered a misunderstanding about the meaning of the saying "It's all downhill from here." To me, this saying means that the hard work is done, that it's all coasting from here, the fun part of the rollercoaster ride is beginning, etc. I see it as a good thing. To say it's all uphill from here, to me, would imply that the hardest work is still to come. Both times I have used the phrase in this way this week, the other person has understood it to have meant the exact opposite. It makes no sense the other way. I understand that "down" can often have negative connotations, but "downhill" is a different word and a different story. Am I right or am I wrong?
After tonight, I'm gonna say whole-heartedly that the steak is yours. I believe!
I also hate pitchers!! Also: Valentime's Day, Liberry, Volleyvall. Those really chap my hide!!
So I stay away from "downhill from here" b/c although I know it essentially means you're coasting, I also equate going "downhill" as going "south." The feature story in my magazine a few issues ago was about a skier who had double hip replacement surgery and my publisher's headline was "It's all downhill from here," which I edited out b/c I knew some might take it negatively.
You're correct J. It's all downhill from here is more of a mountain biking metaphor since you have to put in an extreme amount of work to ride your bike uphill to get to the top but once there you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor!
Then again someone might misunderstand "fruits of your labor" too.
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