After 4 hours of test drives, furrowed brows, long pauses, walk-out threats, and the requisite fascade of honest dealing, I am the proud owner of a new automobile.
"You think you hate it now, but wait 'til you drive it."
Did I go higher on my monthly payment than I said I would when I left the house that morning? Yeah, I did. But I was also talking about a lesser car with a fraction of the mpg. At the end of the day (literally), I got the car I really wanted at a fantastic price. I feel good about this.
"Believe me Honey, if you're gonna drive the whole tribe cross country, this is your automobile."
For a guy who hems and haws over the most insignificant decisions, you can imagine the weight of my agony in making such a substantial commitment. If I had walked out of there with a brand new Porsche for $10,000, interest free, I would still be going gray with second guessing. Getting married was easier than this.
It's over now. It's me, my Jetson-mobile and the open (or traffic jammed) road. Damn it, I feel like driving to San Francisco right now. Make that San Francisco and back....on 1.1 tanks of gas?
P.S. Also still mourning the loss of Big Erv. I can't shake the last image of him sitting there, naked without all my personal junk he had been needlessly holding for all those years. Stripped of his Angels Baseball license plate frame. Sold for pennies on the dollar to a collection of strangers intending to do God knows what with him. It pains me. Okay, I really need to get a hold of myself with this kind of talk. It's just a car...it's just a car...it's just a car...
P.P.S. Despite the now apparent danger of personifying one's automobile, I think this new ride needs a name. The license plate letters are no help there so it's going to be more work to come up with something.
How about (Pri) Fontaine?
A Prius? What else did you test drive? I need to buy a car ASAP as work starts Monday and we still have just the one ...
P.S. Loving the Huey Lewis tunes!
I also drove a Honda Civic and a Honda Fit. They were both nice, fun drives. I really liked the Fit. Sporty and deceptively roomy. I just went for the maximum mpg.
We got the Jetta TDI sportwagen Aka the Clean Diesel and 2009 car of the year. We ordered it in November and finally got it in Febuary but it was worth the wait. It also gets the same tax credit as the Prius. The TDI coupes are easy to get but the sportwagen had a 90 person waiting list when we picked ours up. It's worth a look.
I got a name for it..."F.A.G.” As in, “Fun Automobile Guy/driver”...just a thought.
Does this mean you're the driver now that you get the MPG??
I kind of want to cheat on my car with your new Prius. You won't tell, right?
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