Monday, March 03, 2008


WOOOOOOOOOOO! Now that was a rough flu. Not stomach, luckily, but my ass was sufficiently kicked for 6 solid days just the same. And now I'm back...with not much to say.

In my opinion, of all the things one can be short on, to be without ideas is nearly the worst. And I'm not talking about blogging.

--I sincerely hope Obama is able to win Texas or Oh-Hi-Ho tomorrow as it will effectively knock Shrillary out once and for all. I'm honestly not sure how much more of this Democratic Primary season I can take. The attacks, the split personalities, the distortion of truth, the tone-deaf foghorn shouting "On Day One" or "Shame on you!", the widened, bulging eyes of a woman willing to literally mame and consume anyone that stands in her path to the Presidency, the now pointless debates, the fear-mongering, the laughable TV advertisements....It's dragging us down, man. I understand that the McCain campaign is vowing to not "go negative" against Obama, which I find very hard to believe, but after these last few grueling months of the Clinton Machine steaming at full speed, I'm not sure I can take much more nonsense and intelligence-sucking bullshit.

--Ya know, I'm not sure I could ever be in a relationship with a vegetarian. Strike that, I am certain I couldn't do it. Seeing as how much I love meat, how could I ever cook for two? No meat in the spaghetti sauce? No ham on the sandwich? No hot dog in the bun? No thank you. Luckily, my bride is a card-carrying carnivore so it's not something I'll have to worry about. Which is good because I've got enough on my plate.

--For all Joe's shit-talking about Cruiser not eating real sushi, I was disappointed with Joe's ordering on Saturday night. A lot of crab in those rolls, folks. Didn't see anything like eel or yellowtail. I'm pretty sure everything he ordered was cooked too. Sure, a lot of it had fancy names, but when you checked the ingredients, there wasn't anything crazier than a California in there. I smell a rat, Broseph!


Nicholas said...

John, I fee the same exact way, just opposite. I would not date anyone who was not at least a vegetarian, but I preferred vegans.
I even hated the girls that started to eat veggie just for me because that just meant they were fake or too submissive for me. Luckily my wife was Vegan long before I met her.
Secondly, I do use meat in my spaghetti sauce, and ham in my sandwiches and even hotdogs in my buns! I just use the vegan alternatives. I don't eat hippy bullshit, I just substitute the real stuff for some good fake stuff so I can prepare and eat normal foods like everyone else. Being vegetarian is not all about tofu.

j.h.k. said...

Is this Nek?

Adam and Myisha Partridge said...

Welcome back King!

Nicholas said...

Yes sir, hello! "long time reader, first time commenter"