Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Tom Hanks & Co.

I am currently watching "You've Got Mail" which I purchased yesterday for a whopping $3.60 and it occurs to me that I should not like this movie. The little girl is annoying, the music mostly sucks, and some parts are just plain cheesy. But I like this movie...a lot. There are two reasons I still like the movie despite evidence that I normally would not: 1) it reminds me of New York and my time there and 2) Tom Hanks. The endearing charm of Tom Hanks carries this movie for me. Which leads me to thinking...there are certain men that I obviously do not know personally, but Not in a sexual way, of course...not that there's anything wrong with that.

Men I Don't Know But Really Like (in no particular order)

1) Tom Hanks
2) Matt Lauer
3) George Clooney (maybe in a sexual way?)
4) Jeff Bridges
5) Michael J. Fox
6) Barack Obama (this is not a political endorsement...not that anyone would care anyway)
7) Don Cheadle
8) Will Ferrell
9) James Taylor
10) Glen Phillips
11) Pete Carroll
12) Vin Scully
13) John Ritter (raise your hand if you remember the earthquake preparedness PSA he did that they showed us every year of elementary school)
14) Morgan Freeman
15) Ted Allen (Queer Eye For the Straight Guy)

I will probably need to add to this list as I think of more.


16) Gene Hackman
17) Adam Sandler


Adam and Myisha Partridge said...

Oooohh! I remember the earthquake preparedness movie!!

Joe said...

Wow, I'd never take you for a liberal with that list! :)

I too remember that film (and it's memorable ending) but I always tell people about it and they look at me like I'm crazy. Was it just a LBUSD thing or what?!?!

Oh, and why oh why is it not yet on YouTube?

Conrad said...

Just stop dude.

j.h.k. said...

Leave it to a Right Winger to read that list and think "bunch of damn liberals."

Remember the old days in high school before we ever talked about or even acknowledged the existence of politics? I long for those days.

If would give almost anything to find that movie.