Wednesday, February 01, 2006

The Clothes Make the Man

I saw a coworker the other day and it occurred to me that he was evidence of a certain sub-species of man. He is a shining example of the Self-Imposed Uniform Wearers. These are the people that wear essentially the same outfit 365 days a year, regardless of season, time of day, or occasion. The guy I speak of wears work boots, shorts, a baggy t-shirt, and a visor. Every. Single. Day. Rain or shine. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Hell, I eat the same thing for lunch everyday so I guess I can relate kind of. Not criticizing, just observing. Look for the S.I.U.W.'s because they are living among us.


Rebecca said...

wow. wouldn't you were that outfit everyday if you could. I need a visor.

j.h.k. said...

Of course, as soon as I write this, the s.o.b. comes in today sportin' a full-on baseball cap.