Monday, February 02, 2009

Happ Groundhog Day Everyone!

Good ol' Punxsutawney Phil predicts six more weeks of winter. Gee Phil, I just don't know if I can bear six more weeks of gorgeous 74 degree days, especially with those beautiful blue skies. You are a cruel, cruel little varmint.


Valerie Koop said...

You crack me up!

AJ said...

I looked for Ned Ryerson all day. Alas, I did not find him. I so wanted to buy insurance.

j.h.k. said...

The movie was on FX last night, of course, so I had no choice but to watch it. Still so good. Possibly one of my favorites.

Kory said...

uh, you were saying 74 degree days? Right now its pissing rain outside and its 51 degrees at 3:15 in the afternoon in Long Beach!!