Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Ano Nuevo

Metaphor for my life as I see it on the first completely sober day of 2008:

My dining room table. Stacked with wonderful gifts but lacking any kind of organization or order at the moment. A wonderful mess as it were.

I guess it's not ideal to make a metaphor out of something not instantly accessible to anyone that doesn't spend a lot of time in my dining room, but, fuck it, the choice of metaphor is also part of the meaning of the metaphor.

Holy schnikes, it feels weird to be back at work today. I had only been at the new job for four days before having ten days off. Now I am back and it feels like deja vu; I feel like I have been here before but I'm not really sure. Luckily, my Windows was not password protected because if it were I would be patiently sitting on my hands right now. This is just too odd.

Coffee and blog, that's how I'll get through this.

I know it's not possible to gain thirty pounds in three weeks, but it sure feels like it to me. Blah. Or blob.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Ya know, just cuz I started blogging again doesn't mean you can stop!!