Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Walk This Way

You know how you think someone likes you and considers you a friend, and then something happens and you realize they may have just been being polite or keeping the peace all this time?

There was an incident in the parking lot this morning that, if I didn't know better, would otherwise prove to be just such a rude awakening.

A coworker and I arrived at precisely the same moment. She was closing her driver-side door just as I was opening my trunk. I yelled out a "Hello" in my usual workplace Russian accent. She replied. I then turned to gather my things. In a matter of five seconds, I slung my messenger bag over my shoulder, closed the trunk and looked over, expecting to see my coworker there waiting for me. She wasn't there. In a state of shock, I turned toward the building and saw her walking 20 paces ahead, making a beeline for the door. I couldn't believe it.

Luckily, I know not to take this particular instance personally. This coworker is famous for not being a morning person and I have the utmost confidence that this was not a slight against me personally. However, I think it could still prove to be a good test for the future. It's definitely a choice you make. Last week, another coworker (on the other side of our bullpen wall) arrived at the same time as me. As it became clear that I was waiting for her, she, without making eye contact, began fidgeting in her car with various nondescript busyness. Now that was clearly someone buying time to avoid what they feared would be an awkward walk-in. I know because I've done it myself.

"Oh shit there's so and so. You know I really need to clean out this middle console..."

1 comment:

AJ said...

That is one of my pet peeves. When someone pulls in just a smidge ahead of me, they should hold the door when they get there first! I do it.