I have been beating the drum for rain for years. I have looked to the sky begging for rain, praising it when it delivered, cursing it when it did not. My every step has been in time with a lifelong rain dance. And now, my friends, it's all about to bite me in the ass.
While the 10-day forecast doesn't quite reach to the big day yet, the weather all this week is rain, t-storms, and rain. Perhaps my impending arrival is causing an electromagnetic disturbance in the atmosphere like The Terminator arriving from the future, crouched nude. Perhaps I am destined to fall on my knees and beg the weather gods for a mere thirty minutes of well-timed mercy so that I may marry outdoors as planned.
How's the honeymoon forecast you ask? Again, can't quite see that far ahead yet, but they are also expecting t-storms next week, granted amid 85-degree temps. I am less concerned about this one, but I am still begging for a reprieve.
Please, give me sunshine. I implore you. I offer as sacrifice my annual blog post complaining about 90 degree, sunny days in late October...plus a helluva nice watch.
Happy Cinco De Mayo, mis amigos! !Cervesas y margaritas para todos! Unfortunately, I shant be partaking as tonight marks a crucial step in my vacation preparation. Back Wax Night, everybody!
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