Tuesday, March 10, 2009

F-U, Big C

Come to find out Cancer has picked a fight with my loved ones. It's not the first time.

My grandmother had breast cancer. My friend's mom did as well, even worse than my grandma. Both are still here to talk about it today.

You probably already know about Kory's dad. If not, I will let Kory tell you himself. Phil is like a father to me so I don't take this any more lightly than Kory. It's difficult to see someone you love in pain and to feel powerless to stop it. What do you do?

Two days after realizing the condition Phil is in, we get a call Sunday morning from Nicole's brother Wayne. He went to the hospital with an uncontrollable cough. Today we learn he has Stage 4 Sarcoma. I have about a 5-minute Google's worth of medical knowledge on the subject, but I know that stage 4 is the most advanced there is. And I know we are scared shitless. Wayne is 36 years old with a wife (Val), a five-year-old boy (Caeden) and an infant girl (Claire). He has a mother, a father, a sister, a future brother, aunts, uncles...we all need him. And we all intend to fight with him.

I'm no tough guy, but I think it's only natural to feel the need to react physically and forcefully when faced with a certain, direct threat. And yet there's nothing you can do in that regard. As bad as you want to fight, there's nobody to punch. But we can pray. We can help take care of the kids, get dinner, and standby to support and encourage. So we will.

If you are a praying person, please pray for Wayne and Phil. Thank you.


Conrad said...

I'll bet if you threatened to throw that brick of a wallet you have at cancer, it would run the other way. Your war cry might help to. Let me hear your war cry!

j.h.k. said...

What's that from?

Conrad said...


j.h.k. said...

Ah yes. I guess that makes you Pvt. Joker.

AJ said...

Well, thank goodness he's not Private Pyle. I hear he can suck a golfball through a garden hose.

Of course, that might be a good thing depending on who you are...

(And not to make total levity of the situation... but we're all here for you John. I know you know that.)

Rebecca said...

Oh man! This is awful. My aunt was diagnosed with cancer last year. She's still fighting, but doing really well. I'm hoping the same for your Wayne and Phil. Give my love to Nicole.

Kory said...

Joke: Once again, Kumpart, riding my coattails.

No Joke: Yes, we can fight. It might not be throwing punches and drop kicking fools, but a positive out look, positive attitude, and all around support goes a long way for the people involved. YES, WE CAN! YES, WE CAN!