Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Wow. Speechless.

I won't even attempt to talk about what it means for our country. There are enough people describing it today better than I could. I can talk about my personal feelings though. It was an historic moment. I felt like I was watching a man land on the moon. Like The Berlin Wall was coming down. Like I was watching "Star Wars" for the first time. If there had been a way to harness the sex had by democrats and like-minded people all over the world last night, there would no longer be an energy crisis. Seriously though, it's just a truly profound sensation of pride, hope, and awe.



Valerie Koop said...

So I guess I know what you and Nik were up to last night...!

Rebecca said...

Were you watching the coverage on CNN? Because then it was like watching "Star Wars" w/ the hologram guests.

j.h.k. said...

No, I'm an MSNBC guy, but they showed the holograms on The Daily Show and I laughed pretty damn hard.