I am fresh out of staples.
Staple supply aptly replenished. THAT was a close one.
Nice and overcast today, foggy even. I am loving it. It's easier to be sick when it's grey outside. I am beginning to have some fun with my incredibly hoarse, weak voice. I sound like Tom Waits after downing a fifth of whiskey and a pack of smokes. But it's fun. Then again, what is hell if not a massive karoake party where you have no voice with which to rock?
Why are razor blades so damn expensive? Price gouging if I have ever seen it. Same thing with cat litter. 18 bucks for 25 lbs of sand?? What the fuck?
Is there a better place in the world to be than New York in early November? I can't think of one. Burbank's nice too though...
I do enjoy Christmas shopping. I can barely imagine how much I would enjoy it if I were rich and unfettered by annoying budget constraints.
I think it's time to close my door and take a 3 minute mucas-halk-up break.
I guess they figure if you're the kind of person who would actually own a cat, than you'd spend ridiculous amounts of money on sand. (and if that is too subtle for you that is meant to be a direct insult to all people who own cats.)
BTW are you going to give me a Christmas list or have you taken a vow against such lists?
I refuse to take criticism about cats from a former rabbit owner. The only people that should own rabbits are Steinbeck characters, farmers, and magicians.
There will be no list.
Good Of Mice and Men reference. I don't agree with the 'no list' stance, but I respect it...
As an owner (or former owner) of a bunny rabbit, I hardly think a cat-ownership-critique is warranted...
But, you know, since I have never owned either.... ;)
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