Friday, November 03, 2006

Nice little Friday


I am fresh out of staples.


Staple supply aptly replenished. THAT was a close one.

Nice and overcast today, foggy even. I am loving it. It's easier to be sick when it's grey outside. I am beginning to have some fun with my incredibly hoarse, weak voice. I sound like Tom Waits after downing a fifth of whiskey and a pack of smokes. But it's fun. Then again, what is hell if not a massive karoake party where you have no voice with which to rock?

Why are razor blades so damn expensive? Price gouging if I have ever seen it. Same thing with cat litter. 18 bucks for 25 lbs of sand?? What the fuck?

Is there a better place in the world to be than New York in early November? I can't think of one. Burbank's nice too though...

I do enjoy Christmas shopping. I can barely imagine how much I would enjoy it if I were rich and unfettered by annoying budget constraints.

I think it's time to close my door and take a 3 minute mucas-halk-up break.


Adam and Myisha Partridge said...

I guess they figure if you're the kind of person who would actually own a cat, than you'd spend ridiculous amounts of money on sand. (and if that is too subtle for you that is meant to be a direct insult to all people who own cats.)

Adam and Myisha Partridge said...

BTW are you going to give me a Christmas list or have you taken a vow against such lists?

j.h.k. said...

I refuse to take criticism about cats from a former rabbit owner. The only people that should own rabbits are Steinbeck characters, farmers, and magicians.

There will be no list.

Adam and Myisha Partridge said...

Good Of Mice and Men reference. I don't agree with the 'no list' stance, but I respect it...

Anonymous said...

As an owner (or former owner) of a bunny rabbit, I hardly think a cat-ownership-critique is warranted...

But, you know, since I have never owned either.... ;)