I arrived at my cube this morning to find this brand new little beauty perched conspicuously on my wall. Some would consider this an even greater priveledge than having an office. In the words of Dr. Emmett Brown, "DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS?" It means, thanks to this, my own personal Honeywell, I can control the climate in my area!! I alone can decide whether it will be hot or cold! And what hot and cold means is defined by me! On the hottest summer days when I want to wear a Hawaiian shirt and sip chilled beverages, I no longer have to contend with an office temp more comparable to the Antarctic! The summer is mine! Come fall and winter, when it's time for the sweaters, blazers, scarves (??), and cords, I can drop this maybe down to 60 degrees! Who knows, maybe even lower! I'm basically like Storm now. With great power comes great responsibility.
1 comment:
The needs of the many, out-weigh the needs of the few...
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